November 16, 2023

Godot iOS Export on Xcode Simulator

I encountered a number of problems trying to get my Godot game to run on a Xcode simulator. Here are the steps that worked for me, your mileage may vary.

The setup:

The first step is to export the project for iOS. Before exporting, go to "Project" -> "Project Settings..." and in the "General" tab, go to "Rendering" -> "Renderer". Set "Rendering" to "gl_compatibility" to eliminate any display driver errors on the simulator:

Now the project can be exported. Follow the instructions here if you need to set this up. After exporting the project, open the project in Xcode by navigating to the export directory and open <godot-project-name>.xcodeproj:

When the project opens, go to "Project" -> "Build Settings":

Go to "Excluded Architectures" and add "arm64". If there are any project warnings:

Go ahead and make the changes accepting the default values:

Select the simulator to run:

Click on the run button and after a bit:

I have found performance to be abysmal, but it works for taking screenshots for the App Store. Remember to set the renderer back to "mobile" and remove the excluded architectures for running on a physical device.


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